Mindless Blabber

Wednesday, July 25, 2001

As if one cannot blog enough for one day... I am blogging again. sigh. This is insanity. All I have to say is, I hate the person who introduced this to us. Jon and Greg. yes, the evils of all evils.

Let's see... I wanna blog about something more interesting and more controversial so I can create a world of chaos if anyone reads this. heh. A college degree. Do we really need it? As of now, I think not. You can get a high paying job... well, for the amount of work it's worth... with just a High School Degree. So why did I go to college? With my Microsoft Office super pro skills, I can get the same receptionist job I am temping at right now. How hard is it to answer the phones and then to transfer them? And the job gets so boring not to mention demeaning. I am a college graduate which means jack to the other analysts there perhaps. You can't sit there and not help but think they think you're an imbesol who is computer illiterate and missin half the brain they have. Shoulda studied harder in college. Heed to the wise: college sucks in an economy that's going belly up.


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