Mindless Blabber

Sunday, October 28, 2001

so i was just thinking... what if i NEVER get married??? that would be so depressing... yes, leaves a rather poignant tear down the corner of my eye... sigh... there are these ladies at church who never got married... i'm thinking, how do they do it? how do they survive it?? they're sooo old, without a mate... but i guess if it's God's will... then i can't do anything about it right? sigh... all my goals and plans for the future would just be a dream... a loving husband, smart kids, a lil dog, a quiet home... dude, ending up single is starting to sound more like reality nowadays... i'm like... 22 already... and yet, never had bf. gee whiz. and i don't even go out... how and where am i going to find my one and only???


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