Mindless Blabber

Monday, September 16, 2002

I think I finally understand what Apollo was saying about living alone... and the fear of it... I always thought it'd be awesome to live in an apartment by yourself... your own furniture... your own bedroom... your own rules... your own everything. After much thinking, I've concluded, I can never live alone. I'd be too scared to live alone. What if I watched a scary movie alone by myself? What if I saw something scary lurking around the apartment? I would definitely need someone to sleep with me at night. Heck, I make Alice sleep with me at home cuz I'm scared a lot of the times... Yup. I would definitely need to live with someone...

On another note, I just read Jon's Blog-elot page... I still have 3 active blogspot sites, and 1 xanga site... although 1 of the sites might have changed URL's... due to privacy and personal information that is not for the general public. I resent being a handmaiden... they do not have one ounce of royalty in their blood. They're just pitiful people who help royalty with dirty mundane everyday stuff, without any recognition of their importance in the royal courts. Why can't I just be a sister or a cousin of the Queen or King??

In response to Mr.Filipno's blog... why girls like BAD BOYS... but not really... we just like the bad boy image... but we actually want good boys... hahhaa... it's sooooo true! I've always wanted to be a gangster-bitch. hahaha... so I can have a gang-leader as my bf... that way, I can have that cool image... and have all the underlings call me "DA SHAO" or "LAO DA DE NU REN" and treat me like a queen... hahaha... too many of those asian gangster movies right? But the truth is, I can't handle a bad boy... I'm just too naive and innocent for a bad boy... and the gang-leader will probably treat me like crap anyways... and also, we don't want GOOD BOYS cuz we like challenges... we don't want anyone without a backbone, we need agressors we can teach to repress. hehehehe. Someone once said... you date a guy, to change a guy... you want to change the bad boy into a good boy... so that you can look back at your work... and give yourself a nice pat on the shoulders and say... YOU DID IT! hahahhaha....


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