Mindless Blabber

Wednesday, December 05, 2001

things on top of things... streak of VERY BAD LUCK. darn guy wouldn't pay me the money... wants to give me $150 for a $500 damage. the hell. so we're gonna do it through the insurance companies... arghhh... as if that weren't annoying enough... spent the whole day dealing with policemen.... went to the precinct to get a police report filed... i even drove to his place to show him the bumper fell... cuz he didn't believe me... cuz we didn't see it when he first hit me... argh.

as if this whole car accident thing isn't bad enough... the laundromat got robbed today... ARGH!!! and like freakin 10+ cops were there... i have no idea why they send so many when 2 coulda been more than sufficient... and so they were doing the fingerprinting... but couldn't find any fingerprints... so they had to let the guy go. and stupid old lady who saw him became unsure when the cops came. so we got nothing against him... damn. who in their right minds... does their laundry at the laundromat, then rob it... go home and change, and then come back to get their laundry. what a fool Angel Torrez.


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