Mindless Blabber

Sunday, January 06, 2002

you ask for respect, yet you do not give it.
you're spoiled, and i have part in it.
you look down on others, trample on them.
relentless as you are, boys still fall for your facad.
you move from one best friend to another...
isn't that enough clue to who you really are?
no one can withstand your attitude.
no, you are not the shit.
hanging out with older crowds would not
make you a better person, neither would the
timbs you wear. you conformed to the
asian way. you think you're black. but you're
just a lump of coal.
so you think your secrets are worth keeping?
you tell the world before telling those who care
about you the most... the truth is meant to be
kept. but do you keep them yourself?
your lies had others entrust in you... yet
you turn around and bite them. don't act
like you're their best friends when in reality
you just want their secret to tell the others.
i'm sick of your flirtatious ways.
don't flirt in church, and don't play it dumb.
your secret lies are bound to explode.
poems? this is not a poem. perhaps your
rhyming poems would be considered poems.
you think you write poems, but all you can
do is write hurtful things.
you fail to understand the feelings that others
DO possess. you're an actress of sorts.
mommy's lil darling while laughing at the distress
of your siblings. covering up guilt with material
goods would not make you a better person.
you are who you are.


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