Mindless Blabber

Tuesday, February 19, 2002

hmmm... i sit around aimlessly from day to day wishing i'd have a job... i'm a loser... it's the truth, and it sucks. but what do i do about it? nada. sigh. i know not what i do... someone help me!

If guys were like colleges... there are the REACH schools, and the Target schools... and then your easy-i'll-get-in schools... hmmm... do you sit around and wait for your Reach schools to get back to you? or do you just submit your money to the target school that you've already gotten the acceptance letter to? is this Reach school a better deal? would it be more rewarding if you were to wait? what if you waited, and got rejected? and it's too late to submit registration fees for your target schools... you'd be screwed. sigh. so is the lesson in life to just settle with what you have? not be too greedy? dream within the circumference of your reality?


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