Mindless Blabber

Thursday, September 18, 2008

so one year later, and I'm still looking for a job... what are some of the fears that are involved? that i won't be able to get a job. that i'll be worth less... worldy/money value-wise... but i guess to Abba, I'm as valuable as it gets!! =)

will i get a job that i love again? will i have to face terrible back-stabbing coworkers... will the job be what i was made for? what i was born for? how will i get a job that's in God's will if i don't even step out and apply for one? i can't just sit here and wait for a job to fall in my lap!!

this is kinda like the debate on divinity vs human responsibility. i guess it's quite clear and simple, just go and do it. but why do i still struggle? why all this fear? WHAT is really the underlying fear here??????


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