Mindless Blabber

Monday, March 04, 2002

how frustrating is it when you blog, and the freakin thing doesn't even show up! %@#$$#!!!!!! forget it. i won't blog it over.

summary of my lost blog: when the hell is RDJ gonna come back to ALLY?!?!?!

on another note... there was this part on ally tonite, about dating... about how men knows when you're dressed up. do they really??? i thought men didn't realize things like this... and when they do notice that you've prepared tons for this date... it means, they're in the BAG. what the hell??? it's that noticeable?? hahaha... man... how's that for easy date signs. ugh. the next time i date, which won't be anytime soon, i will dress down. what will that mean?


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