Mindless Blabber

Monday, February 25, 2002

1.888.772.9371 Miracle Spring Water

what the hell is this? has anyone seen this on late night UPN9??? this is some sorta crock or something? it's like he's the miracle healer... he has this show... and he has people come up... the blind... cancer patients... diabetes... bad shoulders... and all he does is... hold them by their head, and then just push them down with force... and someone in back of the ill person catches them... and then this healer dude, cries out in the name of Jesus, and then the person is healed... is this believable? and he tells people to call his hotline, and he'll send them the miracle water... and it'll cure them from cancer. do miracles like this happen? perhaps yes. but it just seems so scary that one guy can do all this. maybe i should request the water...? he just seems like some posessed man with too much power.


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