Mindless Blabber

Thursday, February 06, 2003

Funny dream I had the other day...

We were all at ITASA Columbia 2003... but somehow it was at my house?!?! anyways... so it was me, les, karina, ruth, jon, greg, louis, and the Itasa chairperson. We were talking to him about the conference... and he was telling us the website.... so we asked him what the URL was... and he was like... www.fukingyoung.com. When we first heard that... we all smirked.... but then he had to explain it to us so we can understand.... as if we didn't... "see... my name is... Fu-King Young... see?? fukingyoung.com??" HAHAHAAHAHA.... we were all laughing soooo hard at this point... Jon was laughing the hardest... trying to hold his laughter in.... hahahaha... okay, maybe it ain't as funny as I remembered it. And then I jumped out of bed cuz I was mad late for work.


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