Mindless Blabber

Monday, February 10, 2003

Scariest thing happened to me on the train to work today... I was on the J... yes, my ghetto ass J train, and didn't have a seat the whole ride down.... I was starting to feel faint... and sweating cold sweat.... my vision started to go... and I'm thinking... oh no, oh no... and my hearing starts to go as well... I was trying sooo hard to stay alert... I held on to the pole really tight so I wouldn't pass out on the floor.... C'mon jeyi, you can do it... few more minutes till Canal St... Canal St stop came... tried to move, but I was sooo weak, and couldn't really see... I grabbed onto another pole to try to get myself off the train... okay, almost near the door... can't see at all now.... almost fell, so I grabbed onto anything that was in reach... grabbed onto some guy's jacket, I tried to let go, but I couldn't see... couldn't move... grabbed on even harder... the door closes, and the guy tells me to sit down... was blacked out for a few more stops... until finally... the last stop, I had to get off, and people were nice to me... they were gonna bring me to the booth and get paramedics for me... but luckily... I felt sooo much better... and can move a lil more... so I just hopped back on the train to go to work.... I still feel a lil faint though... I can't believe I'm at work!!!


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