Today I want to blog about more of my OCDs/psychosomatic ways:
1. Drinking gulps of water - I find myself counting every gulp... I think I average about 5-6 chain gulps when thirsty. last night, I did 9.
2. Tapping fingers - I have this pattern that I always tap out with my fingers... like I'm playing piano or something... and when I tap the finger I sing the note in my head... the thumb would be "Do" and the ring finger would be "Fa"
3. Clocks in my room - I used to be really psycho about this... but it has simmered down... nevertheless... I always have to program all my clocks to the same exact time, it annoys me if it's a few seconds off... so when I have to program all my clocks because of blown fuses... I usually program one first, and then try to run to the other one as fast as I can and program it as fast as I can so it won't be way off... this way, every way I turn, and every clock I look at would all be in sync.
4. Wrinkled paper - I hate creases on my papers... that is why I always bought the curved spiral notebooks and curved looseleaf papers... so that they won't crease on the corners. This goes for books I read, I read it very carefully so I won't have to wrinkle it.... but then I end up lending it out to a certain friend, named RUTH, who wrinkles it up like nobody's business. If you don't want it mutilated, don't lend books to her.
5. Change of Clothes - as soon as I get home, I must change out of my outdoor clothes, it's a must. I just don't feel comfortable in them... makes me feel dirty and uncomfortable. I used to have a set of cafeteria clothes as well... in college... I will put on my Cafeteria outfit before I go eat in the dorm cafeterias, and change out of them when I come out... cuz the cafeteria STINKS you up. Jimmy Johns stink you up as well.
6. Perspiring Drinks - I hate it when drinks perspire on the table. Thank goodness for napkins, no coasters - they don't do jack.