Mindless Blabber

Thursday, June 27, 2002

sigh... without chrissy in the states... no one comments on my pitiful page. damn it. i hate you all.

Tuesday, June 25, 2002

To Miss FedEx Lady who just left me a vmail:

HELLO? I called you yesterday!! I wanted the status of my package yesterday!!! You never called me back!!! Why did you leave me a message today? After the package was delivered, telling me it was delivered. I KNOW IT WAS DELIVERED!!! I've been tracking the status online all morning. NO THANKS TO YOU. you are a fool. You give FedEx a BAD NAME. overnight delivery??? PAH!!! The package was supposed to have arrived last FRIDAY. and it got there today??? you stink!

Office FedEx Bitch

Monday, June 24, 2002

Read Leslie's Page for Lauryn Hill Concert results...

Friday, June 21, 2002


I'm completely down-to-earth!

Find your soul type
at kelly.moranweb.com.

Thursday, June 20, 2002

menopausal women are so difficult. someone end my life when i reach that stage.

Wednesday, June 19, 2002

after reading Howie's blog from his dog's point of view... i'm going to blog from jing's point of view... HAHAHAHA....


oh no, she's coming down the stairs... I WISH ANDY WOULD CALL NOW... i have to get off the computer soon... maybe i'll play a game of freecell before she kicks me off... let me leave more garbage for her on her table so she can yell at me... she's so demanding, and soooo anal. (hrs later...) i need to use the phone... andy will be calling me soon... i'm gonna keep the phone so she won't be able to use it first. *ring* "hello?" YES! it's andy! hahaha. i got to the phone first.... i win! *phone clicks* call waiting... whatever... it's for jeyi, but i don't care, i'm going to stay on the phone, i'm not even gonna pick up... if i pick up, she'll take forever, and i won't get to talk to him for my daily 2-hr dose... besides, she doesn't have issues. she doesn't understand me. she doesn't even know the situation. i hate her. i will not be her slave this summer. no more water on the rocks. and she can sort her own laundry. i'm not going to wash her towels, she needs to learn to put them in the hamper herself.

Friday, June 14, 2002

I have absolutely nothing to do right now... so I will uphold my daily-blogger-ship. hehehe....

it is now 4pm, and the office is practically all empty. and i am still here. i want out!!!! Right now, one of my best friends is getting sworn in... congratulations RUTH!!! you are now an American citizen. hehehehe....

Thursday, June 13, 2002

Per Jon's request, i will blog for the three of us who are slacking... jon, chrissy, and i... hahahaha... jon tries to blog everyday even though he's really busy, but as you have seen... only one-liners. and chrissy... pops in and out... me? i've been slacking. cuz i was way busy from work last week... well, and just life in general... cuz i have better things to do now... yes... better things like SLEEP, enough sleep, and playing with my new boytoy. HAHAHAHA.

I have just realized... most of my dreams do come true... good and bad ones. i have dejavu all the time... but maybe it's cuz i exist in another dimension... in the realm of dreams, i lead another life similar to this one, and is perhaps one day ahead in time of this real realm. so maybe i can tell the future if i can remember my dreams? maybe i have the gift of prophecy... hahaha... nah... but I do believe God speaks to me in dreams... He gives me advice, and tells me what to do, and what will happen... I'm not even making this up. I vividly remember things in my past, and dreams in my past that points to this conclusion. It's so strange how God works huh?

And I swear, everytime I'm late for anything, either for work or for interviews... the trains always run extra fast for me, and the traffic is extremely NON-congested. They are definitely NOT coincidences. no-sirree-bob. Praise God!!

Wednesday, June 12, 2002

ever had the longest week? i am having one of those weeks... i'm just always bored at work, even though i should be doing work... but nope, i take my sweet time... and surf the web, and catch up on reading the more interesting blogs. hehe. i am a selective reader. i read the short ones first, and save the long ones for later... okay, this is a rather pathetic blog. i will stop myself here, and go to bed. good riddens.

Sunday, June 09, 2002

time to update my life. and update my blogger. it is now 2:30 in the morning, i would have to wake up in a few hrs to go to church, but yet, i blog religiously. yes, i can't sleep without updating my blogs. hahaha.... hmmmm.... what to blog about? i went to AC today... lost all my money... well, actually, i lost an anonymous friend's money... hehee... oops. i was actually up 60... but then... greed got me. so i kept playing until i lost it all... i kept thinking i would win it all back... but i didn't.... but one good thing... i played quarter slots... with 2 quarters... and got myself $10... yes, 2000% payout. how awesome does that sound? hahahaha.... it's crazy how addictive gambling can get... reaping the benefits of winning a bet is definitely awesome. it's what sucks you in, keeps you there, green-eyed... you just wanna win, you just wanna double your money. it's aweful. all you can think of is how much you lost, and how much you have to win back to break even. and when you do break even, greed kicks in, and the viscious cycle begins. no wonder people stay at the casino for days... it can be a full-time career... you can win a whole year's salary within one minute... but you can lose a house within seconds... RISKY BUSINESS. greed is so evil...

Tuesday, June 04, 2002

went to the gym today... worked out like mad... i'm working on my ass... i need to find a good butt machine... i found this one... but it works our your thighs more than your ass... so i don't know... my butt's not too sore, but my thighs are... i don't think i've ever ran so much in my life either... 1.3 miles... that's a record breaker... i usually die before my first mile is up... hahahaha.... tomorrow i shall run 2 miles... yesh! and oh yeah, a certain friend of mine did the butt machine as well... and pulled a muscle! which muscle??? her butt muscle!!! hahahahahaha... and she was in pain for like 10 mins... screaming next to me... while i did the butt machine... hahahaha.... 2 eprops to my friend for actually pulling a butt muscle. HAHAHAHA.

Monday, June 03, 2002

boston is a really really small city. very. i would not wanna live there, unlike a certain 4-letter relative of mine... ugh... that certain relative is so cheap. i hate cheap people. cheap cheap cheap. cheap hoe. cheap. i hope she reads this. i hope her friends read it too... she won't buy us dinner. we're going to starve to death because she won't buy us food.... i'm hungry!!!!!! she can definitely spare some food for us. ahem. kerppptweeee!