Mindless Blabber

Tuesday, July 30, 2002

I just scanned my previous blogs again... boy was I an angry person. every other blog was about how I hated my mom, and my most used word was "DIE." my poetry was grave... but it's the only way I can express my anger. Jing told me that she gets scared reading my poetry cuz they're so dark and violent. Yes, I think I am a violent writer. I have a smart mouth. My tongue is uncontrollable, and I have used it to bring down people.

This past weekend, I went on a retreat... I haven't been to one in over a year... it was good, because I felt that it was a retreat long past due. I was flipping through my lil blue book... a journal of all the notes taken of speakers, past retreats, and sunday services. and I came across this quote I scribbled down... "When you speak, say things that are to the benefit of others." wow. it's kinda like... if you have nothing good to say, then don't say it at all. The tongue is a powerful tool, a double-edged sword, if not used correctly, will only cause destruction and hurt. Have I used my tongue to the benefit of others lately? Have I used my tongue to the benefit of others EVER? I need to reevaluate what I say to others, and rather than bringing down others with my witty, sarcastic remarks, I need to edify my brothers and sisters in Christ. This is a public apology to all those I have brought down.

"The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell. All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and creatures of the sea are being tamed and have been tamed by man, but no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be." -James 3:6-10

Monday, July 29, 2002

why do people sign on AIM on their cellies when they obviously can't reply right away, and can't reply more than 3 syllables at a time???

on another note... the dancers are coming! the dancers are coming!!

Thursday, July 25, 2002

dude, people just love me too much!!!

Depeche006: >:o
JYL99: ?
JYL99: what?
JYL99: who are you
Depeche006: U HEARD ME
JYL99: ok herb
JYL99: what do you want from me.
JYL99: can't do that
Depeche006: U KNOW IM RIGHT
JYL99: y is it worthless
JYL99: you're the sad and pathetic one.
JYL99: i don't even know you
JYL99: what?
Depeche006: PANCAKE FACE
JYL99: why would i have mutual friends with you?
Depeche006: YOU DO
JYL99: and how would you know?
JYL99: unless you stalk me
Depeche006: PUHHAAAA
Depeche006: STALK U?
JYL99: yeah, you know you want me
Depeche006: UR NOT WORTHY
JYL99: hahahhahaa
JYL99: then why are you cursing at me
JYL99: how am i selfish?
Depeche006: I MEAN IT
JYL99: i know i'm ugly
JYL99: i admit it
Depeche006: AND UR SKIN IS BAD
JYL99: yes i know
JYL99: i have rashes all over
JYL99: that's true
JYL99: my bf tells me that all the time
Depeche006: HEHE
Depeche006: U R SO SAD
JYL99: anything else?
Depeche006: YEAH
JYL99: y are you concealing your identity?
Depeche006: I HOPE U GE HURT
JYL99: are you a coward?
Depeche006: I'M NOT AFRAID OF U
JYL99: hurt by whom?
JYL99: then who are you?
Depeche006: BY A CAR
JYL99: hurt by a car?
Depeche006: YUP
JYL99: do you mean "HIT" by a car?
Depeche006: I HOPE YOU DO
Depeche006: U UGLY BITCH
Depeche006: FAT ASS
JYL99: thank you
Depeche006: WHY R U SO UGLY?
JYL99: those are all compliments to me
Depeche006: JUST TELL ME
JYL99: my bf tells me that all the time
JYL99: you know you love me
JYL99: hahahhahaa
Depeche006: U DONT HAVE A BF
Depeche006: LOSER
JYL99: i don't?
JYL99: so he's imaginary?
Depeche006: HE'S USING U
JYL99: using me for what? since you said i'm useless
Depeche006: FOR BOREDOM

yet another wonderful conversation with LOUIS... hahaha...

JYL99: miss me?
sweetlou125: haha
sweetlou125: of course
JYL99: i knew it
JYL99: why are you hitting on me constantly?
JYL99: i have a bf
sweetlou125: hey....stop instigating
JYL99: i'm not.
JYL99: hahahahhaa
sweetlou125: i am not a home wrecker all right
JYL99: yes you are!
JYL99: i can't talk to you anymore
JYL99: my bf wouldn't like this
sweetlou125: why are you all weird now
sweetlou125: my girlfriendS wouldn't like this either

i hate all of yall's comment thingie. they suck... and they take forever to post!!! you should just switch back to BLOGBACK!!!

I HATE THE DARN J TRAIN. why oh why are you forever late???
woe be you.

on top of being late this morning... it was mad crowded on the J. I don't think I've ever seen that many people on the J... it was like.. rush hour E... well, maybe not rush hour E.... but it was definitely packed... and then we had this lady scream and yell the gospel at us. Usually I wouldn't mind as much, cuz I love it when people have the guts to spread the word and just evangelize on the train... especially in NY. but this lady was sooo loud!!! my ears were ringing, and she was shouting right into my ears... and there wasn't space to move!!! so anyways... these 2 rude young people, a guy and a girl that i see every morning cuz they stand at the same spot i stand every morning... probably only in college... if they do go to college that is... the stupid coward, whispered "shut the f-ck up!" it was a loud whisper, so of course the lady heard him... so then she was like... you can't shut me up, young one... and then she was like... i'm coming for you... so she moved towards him... hahahaha... it was rather funny... and he was rather embarrassed cuz he didn't say jack back to her when she went to him... hahhahaha... she was like laughing... "you can't shut up me up... oh no, i am sent by the Almight God to spread his goodnews, and you can't shut me up. I'd like to see you try... hahaha..." big ups to her. damn kids these days are soo freakin rude and disrespectful... another thing she said that was funny... but i didn't get to hear all of it... "I know you're not the devil. You're God's children, and how can God make the devil. no. The devil made himself the devil. God made you, and so you're not the devil." hahahahahaha.... She shut him up real well. hahahahhahaa. I think he was glad he had his shades on... hahahahahhaa....

Wednesday, July 24, 2002

why do people where sunglasses when there's NO sun???

where's the SUN!?!?!?!


on another note, i think i might have seen a hooker on the subway today. she was dressed.... in all white, with leopard cowboy hat, bag, and shoes. Even the plastic bag she had with her were leopard prints. and her shirt, if that's what you call it.... was like see-through... and only covered half her topbody. she had the hugest gut, and were white see-through cropped leotard pants. yuck. it was quite a site. can we say... NASTY???

Monday, July 22, 2002

Ever had the Monday Syndrome Disorder? I suffer it every mondays. I hate waking up knowing it's no longer the weekend. I hate waking up knowing I'd have to go to work so early in the morning. I hate waking up knowing I'd have to travel an hour to get to work. I hate waking up knowing Monday is only the beginning of the endless misery at work. I hate waking up on the train knowing you've arrived at your station, and it's time to get off and get your butt to work. I hate arriving at work knowing it's Monday, and you have to submit your time sheet to the darn temp agency that pays you half of what you're really supposed to be getting. I hate having the office Tiger Lady sign my time sheet because she thinks I've put more hours on it than I really worked. I hate putting less hours than I really worked. I HATE MONDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 17, 2002

guess what? our intern ran away... hahahhaha.... she always leaves without telling anyone... and so today... at like 4:30, we were all looking for her... hahahahaha.... what a weirdo.

Tuesday, July 16, 2002

"How do you like America so far?"
dude, i can't believe there are still racist COLORED people out there. ESPECIALLY in my neighborhood!!! what the hell??!?! you talk about equality, and affirmative action, yet you disgrace your own kind by the racist things you say or do to other COLORED people. maybe the education in this nation is not up to par... the parents need to teach their own kids too! ugh, i am just so disgusted! the parents just sit there and laugh... is it really that funny? NO. Your wannabe-cool-do-rag kid just made a friggin racist remark!!! You wouldn't be too happy if I were to say, "How do you like welfare?" JERK. This is why you need and want affirmative action, because you are uneducated and naive. How are you gonna achieve it if you disgrace your kind like that? UGH. you are society's scum. go piss on yourself.

Monday, July 15, 2002

back to work... back to reality... back to surfing the web!!! woohoo... we have an intern coming in today. yes! she's gonna do all my fedex shipping and crap.... muhahahahhaa... muhahahahaha..... muhahahahhaa.....

I saw the world Friday night. that sucked. I hate seeing people from the past... I hate making small talk. I hate seeing Science people. why am I afraid of my own past? why does my past haunt me so???

and I hate it when people don't say hi when they SEE you, and you used to be good acquaintances, but now, you're not cuz they haven't seen you in a while... and circumstances are different. blah. it's rude.

for a good laugh, go read my xanga page... the link is on my links thingie...

Saturday, July 13, 2002

WTF why am i home on a saturday afternoon?

Friday, July 12, 2002

okay, let's take a vote, which topic do you, the readers, want me to write about most?

Thursday, July 11, 2002

I'm bored at work... on with my pet peeves... if you don't know them by now... i have a huge list on my geocities page... hehehe...

Pet peeve # 34986: Spelling error.

.commonly misspelled words.
1. definitely
2. separate
3. grammar
4. misspell
5. receive
6. graduation
7. congratulation
8. kindergarten
9. forty
10. pneumonia

Today's secret word is: ONOMATOPOEIA

Wednesday, July 10, 2002

i know why my blogs suck now... it has moved away from rage and anger... i need to feel that rage again... and curse out whomever person that crosses me. HEHE.

you know what's annoying? when people have a disregard for your existence. I can't stand those FOBs that speak in their own language to each other when you're right there... and can't understand a word. it's rude. that really really pisses me off. it's like... hello??? speak in english, or speak in a language i can understand as well... i remember in jhs... all my friends were cantonese... and they would all just speak in cantonese... and I would be like... what did you guys say? and they would just ignore me... and laugh... wtf??? that is sooooo rude. so i hated them. hahaha. but i hung out with them cuz i had no other friends... damn... i was a loser. and then there are those korean fobs... they speak korean ALL THE TIME. it's not like they don't know how to speak English, they just choose to speak korean... cuz it's sooooo cool. yeah... KP!!! bleh. just don't speak it in front of me! don't have a whole conversation while i'm there bored out of my mind... listening to you speak korean. SHEN JING BING.

Monday, July 08, 2002

i forgot to blog about this.... for all you Parmalat South Beach Gelato lovers... I have found a gelato store that is just as orgasmic. hehehe.... it's on Mott St. in lil italy!!! yeah!!!! and i know someone who lives right by there... so i can make my daily gelato stops!!!

...and the gelato fans cheer!!! ...

yes yes, i am slacking. i can't believe i didn't blog for a week!!! please please please don't punish me for this jon!!!

so i kinda ran away from home again this weekend... hahaha... not really... but i didn't really tell anyone i was leaving... i just went home, packed and ran out... and then left my sisters an email saying i'd be gone the whole weekend. yes, so apparently, my parents got pissed cuz i didn't tell them myself. psssh. i never tell them. i always tell the sisters... and they pass along the info.. why is it any different now? it's cuz they don't trust me. for some crazy bizarre reason, they think i'm at a good friend's apt in queens. my good friend doesn't even have an apt in queens!!! my mom likes making up stories... and so then my dad gets pissed cuz their imaginations run wild. don't they know i'm a good kid??? have they met other kids??? do they know what kids do these days??? man, my parents are overprotective, and haven't been broken in. sigh. i did a really bad job in high school... no wonder i'm sheltered. i lived in a lil bubble till college... dude, it's time for me to move out!!! but then again, i can't really afford to with my measley paycheck. ahhhh... i hate real world. reality bites.

Monday, July 01, 2002

psssh... y'all just jealous you don't have a better blogger than mine. hehehehe... so i've been reading through some of my old stuff... and man they were good! what happened to me??? now i'm just a dried up boring blogger. maybe blogs come with age... the older you are... the less enthusiasm and pizazz you have left in your system... nah, i think it's just me. i go through my dry spells, but i assure you... i will be back!

so this morning, taking my sweet time during my morning shower... i was listening to Z-morning Zoo... love their topics. they always have something interesting to say... too bad i don't have a radio at work... or i'd be listening to it all morning long... so their topic today was: who's harsher about breakups: men or women?

I think it depends... most men just end up not calling... until like a few months later... but just to make themselves feel better... and that they still want to be "friends." what a bunch of bull. they just want to avoid the situation altogether... wait till the girl forgets and becomes bitter... then give you bs about being friends again. sure i can be your friend, but i will make you regret having wronged me.

But for women, they were saying we like closure and confrontation, so we just end it right then, right there. And if you don't get off our backs when we say we want to break up... we do it the brasher-harsher way... we tell you to just get the hell out of our face. Maybe I'm more like the men... I'd just stop calling... but it's not like I really make phone calls anyways... hahaha... I would just end all ties... no email, no AIM, no phone calls, I won't even pick up my phone calls, and I'll block you from AIM... and delete all your emails... well, or keep them on file to taunt you later. hahahahaha... yeah, women are evil, I agree.

Who is the harsher gender when it comes to break ups?



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